Use ArDB to consolidate all your sample results from multiple analytical techniques into a single database

What is ArDB?

ArDB makes it simple to construct, maintain and manage a database of analytical results, no matter which technique generated the result.

With your results organized and recorded alongside associated quality control results and sample metadata, you can manage and interrogate your data easier than ever before.

The powerful capabilities for data visualizations make it simple to discover trends and relationships within your data.

The fully integrated multi-variate analysis statistical tools, allow databases with a high dimensionality of analytical results to be statistically reduced for easier interpretation.

ArDB makes it easier to gain insights into your data.

Lab News Special Offer

For a limited time only, you can take advantage of an extended 6 months Free Trial of the Elementar ArDB Cloud.

  • Create and manage your own private databases
  • Collaborate by inviting users to access your private databases and manage their permissions
  • Manage samples within your databases
  • Draft and publishing features
  • Auditing, rollback and versioning features
  • Powerful visualizations and statistics


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A Better Alternative to Excel Worksheets

Most scientists love a good Excel worksheet, but we’ve all encountered times when a rogue comma or incorrect set of brackets in a formula makes the whole thing fall down.

Strangely, many labs rely on Excel sheets to handle their most precious commodity: analytical data.

Even when all the formulas work correctly (and are locked to avoid accidental editing) Excel has many drawbacks over a purpose-built data handling package.

ArDB has an application wherever you see an Excel sheet whose data needs to be trusted, shared, integrated or stored.


LIMS Alternative

From experience, LIMS packages have a bad reputation, mainly due to the time and cost needed to implement them effectively.

This results in many labs going to the other extreme and keeping all data in Excel sheets.

ArDB is capable of filling the void between the humble Excel sheet and a cumbersome LIMS platform.

Many of the LIMS benefits can be easily integrated for a modest investment.


Contract Labs

Laboratories which perform contract sample analysis handle vast quantities of data as it is essential to their “product”, so it would make sense that they should utilize the most integrated and secure method of collecting and reporting this data. However, it is commonplace for these labs to rely on Excel spreadsheets or in-house custom databases.

With ArDB, results from any manufacturers instruments can be collated into one place and linked to QC results. The data is then protected and stored securely so no loss can occur. This makes audits straightforward so your analysts can concentrate on what they do best.


Quality Control within Manufacturing

Within manufacturing companies, products must be checked prior to release.

The pressure is often on to report results quickly, but failures must be investigated and mistakes can have big consequences.

ArDB can help reduce errors and ease investigations to prevent the analytical lab from being a bottleneck in the manufacturing workflow.


Data Analytics with ArDB



Rest assured we are always on hand to help. If you would like to get in touch about our software, or just  chat, then please fill in the form below.  Alternatively, visit our Contact Page for further ways to get in touch.

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